Monday, December 8, 2008

Entraping the Police

I heard a comedian on the radio say something to the effect of "between those on the left and those on the right they are both swinging with axes at Liberty's trunk and doing a quick job of bringing down the whole tree."

This looks fantastic at first glance: Biongboing has a post.

I prefer Radley Balko's to which they link.

FYI the term "trees" is very popular these days for what the officers were actually hunting.


Jimmy said...

Axes, Axis what's the difference?

mc said...

If a tree falls in a forest of laws is there a free man left to hear it?

Adam said...

Barry's story is definitely one to follow up on.He is truly a hero!

alfred said...

I ain't never called that shit trees.Just more ebonic bullshit.It's another "ebonized" phrase I can't stand to here, like "it is what it is","under the bus","back in the day", and so many others that make white folk sound stupid, and perpetuate the ignorant image of inner-city inhabitants.Don't question my Negrocity!