Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our Concerned Guardians Hard at Work

Don't worry. I'm sure they had each read every word of the legislation involved in the "marathon 13 hour" budget session which left CT borrowing a BILLION DOLLARS and raising taxes.

Playing solitaire on their computers:

Lambert wants to have a FIVE CENT FEE on every paper and plastic bag used in shopping.

At least Hennessey calls it a TAX. (Don't forget that their estimations on revenue are part of the budget process. So while they are enacting taxes to discourage behavior they are overestimating the behavior to pass the budget. Or underestimating the behavior and it's impact to sell the tax as less impactfull on us, the constituents. Always assume the least pleasant and you will be nearer to the truth, the worse than worthless bastards. For example they allowed alcohol sales until 9 p.m. to help pass a budget one year. Most package stores don't stay open untile nine. I should get their estimates of increased tax revenues just to see the "bill of goods" they sold on that session.)

Wow, what an intrusive do gooder and how typical of our legislative shepherds.

Take a moment, however, and glance at the shear volume of laws they function upon. "Bills introduced by 118 Lambert".

There are over 170 pieces of legislation introduced at the beginning of session by this woman and don't try and dodge using the notion of the term "introduced".

Hundreds of laws, every session. For ever more.

Morin is supporting an act regarding the treatment of Elephants. Elephant concern in Connecticut he puts on the table while doing nothing as a billion dollars is borrowed and taxes are raised.



Here is another. "An Act Concerning the Freedom to Dry" which tries to prohibit laws against how you dry your clothes.

I shit you not. He must feel like quite the cowboy watching out for all of our freedoms.

They think they have the duty to monitor how we dry our clothes and then they think they are liberty angels when they struggle against the tyranny of clothes drying, and we let them.



I have yet to meet someone who does not loath the political class, but we need to step up and step up hard, if no real forward motion is attained at least we can have the satisfaction of knowing we are "community organizing".

Their point is to ultimately have every last aspect of existence on earth covered by legislative language to the extent that at all times we are violating some aspect thereof.

That is the intention. All must be law. If you don't realize that those who don't read legislation before voting on it, feel comfortable with the gargantuan volume of it, and do not hold themselves to the same laws that they hold you or I to, you are the fleece wrapped sucker they wish to control.

Oh my God. Please go and read some of the new agenda and then visit the bastards.

Do you think they will be happy to take the time to discuss their plans for us?

I need a flip cam gdammit.

I also need to proofread the above. Please know that I condemn both parties.

We need to address the worst political class ever.

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