Sunday, October 11, 2009


has been nonexistent but I will pick up again. Starting this evening, expect a couple of links and maybe a thought or two.

So there.

In fact, right off the bat, how about a foul video?

I just looked quickly for something that would be instantly blogable. So I googled "crazy monkey".

This video was on the first page. It seems to be an artistic depiction of America and how it necessarily gained the attention of our political, media and university classes.

Let's just say it's a glimpse of how liberals have engaged with our great nation and the results are predictable. America is the sand sculpture and the sculptor is representative of liberty loving, robust and patriotic Americans whose tireless risks and struggles resulted in the most magnificent nation in history. The other monkey embodies liberals, like, say, Rahm Emanuel, or Cass Sunstien or Obama or Biden or so painfully much of the baby boomer generation. It is chilling in it's uncanny truth. I think at this point in Obama's presidency with the house and the senate controlled as it is and the MSM as well that we are at about second number 14 in the 30 second opus:


Unknown said...

Are you implying that Biden looks like a monkey?
You're an evolutionist racist!

Ida said...

I don't get it.

alfred said...

Looks more like Bill Clinton.
At least they're not queer. Well, I can't speak in certainty about "the artist". You know how they can be.