Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Logical Extreme

"This is the logical extreme of the identity politics that as (sic) been floating around this country for decades. Every revolution devours its offspring, and it seems the multicultural one does, too."--David Brooks

Would that it were true, but we haven't seen anything yet. What's down the road will render these days as warm and fuzzy and logical by comparison. Considering this "extreme" is fanciful optimism.

via Instapundit

1 comment:

Adam said...

I just can't decide who's more qualified, the tall young black guy talkin' about hope or the woman who 's married to a former president talkin' about change. Neither's experienced. I'm pulling for Ron Paul,at least he's honest(albeit somewhat delusional) but it's probably too late. We're all done for! Get my exploding vest and ready my virgins.