Thursday, May 15, 2008

“And if I said no?”

“Then I would rape you.”

"That was it. None of the other young men seemed surprised, or sounded an objection. Would he really do it? Probably not. And neither would the other young men there, the ones who quietly nodded. But no one said “just kidding.” What they said was that this was a serious possibility we needed to be aware of. They acknowledged that rape was against their religion, but as a sin, they put it in the same category as a woman working with a man in the desert trying to understand young Saudi men."

via Infidelsarecool

"Probably not." Yeah, an idle threat along the lines of "then I would strap a bomb to myself." Or "I would show my anger by rioting and screaming and setting things on fire." Never happen.

The individual from Pinch's Dog's Breakfast would probably fear having someone with a NASCAR bumper sticker help them change a tire more than spending time in the desert with people who think a woman deserves to get raped for the sin of accompanying them. People who say it out loud.

As always draw your own conclusions.

("Pinch was a political activist in the Sixties, and was twice arrested in anti-Vietnam protests. One day, the elder Sulzberger asked his son what Pinch calls, "the dumbest question I've ever heard in my life." If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot? Young Arthur answered, "I would want to see the American get shot. It's the other guy's country." Some Sixties activists have since thought better of their early enthusiasms. Pinch hasn't."--via Moonbattery)

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