Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Passionate Love

I think that this is another case of science trying to catch up with perennial wisdom. Listen to a song, read a classic play or book, and notice how often and for how many ages humans have watched the infrequency of intensity matching up with a requisite counterpart. Many confounding factors at play in this study.

So two souls (or brains) which brush up against one another and stick is a remarkable thing at risk of all kinds of culture and chance, no?

Otherwise why would movies, songs, poems, paintings etc. strike everyone with their notions of longing and beauty and romance so readily? Everyone. There would be no Hollywood or published drama without a hardwired gamble...I find his analysis with which he concludes his post weak, but it is late and I will probably look at this post later and shiver and correct and update it tomorrow.

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