Thursday, March 13, 2008

Amusing Alien

reference in the comments over at Samizdata:

"OK, I know that a lot of you guys are engineers and physicists, etc., and I appreciate the technical expertise you bring to this site, but vivictius, why the hell would you specify setting the oven at "760 Rankin"? I'm used to Fahrenheit, I understand Celcius, I could even deal with Kelvin, but who has ever even heard of "Rankin"? I had to look it up, and frankly I see no purpose to it. Is your oven calibrated in Rankins? If so, how did you get the aliens to deliver it? (In my experience, they're always taking, not giving.)

Posted by Laird at March 11, 2008 07:59 PM"

Those greedy otherworldly swines (oops. should read "swine") , who can't relate to the experience?

Wired article.

I mentioned some anti emf/rf clothing here. For the passport I would move in this direction.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I would try a different passport wallet. That one is like the one I used to have. It failed to provide sufficient protection for my passport. I still lost it after that Belgian beer fest. Maybe it was operator error.