Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bolivian Tree LLama?

You learn something new everyday: "The tree llamas rarely touch foot on the ground, moving about in the high tree tops. The only time when they set foot on the ground is during their long and complex mating rituals. They are able to move around the forest canopy by using their long claws. They eat various fruits which grow in the canopy, and also will eat any penguins they can get their hands on."

The claw of the Bolivian Tree Llama can fetch up to $400 on the black market
The claw of the Bolivian Tree Llama can fetch up to $400 on the black market

The Bolivian Tree Llama, seen here in its natural habitat.


Adam said...

Uncyclopedia is a great site, it's content-free!

Adam said...

Have you heard thellama song? (requires flash player)

Luke said...
