Friday, August 15, 2008

Most Meanspirited, and Funny, Joke...

Years ago someone from Uruguay told me a joke about Argentinians. "Why," he asked, "do they drill holes in the caskets of Argentinians?"

Mmm? Don't know.

"So the worms can crawl out and puke."

Lovely! I sure enjoy a good joke!

I have just noticed another arcane joke laced with some level of vitriol. I will copy, paste and link, I really know nothing of this site, so click over at your own wanderings risk, etc., etc.:

"I dated a woman from Mongolia briefly, she told a joke that went like this: A ChiCom when asked what his dying wish would be, was for Russia to attack China twice. When asked why this was, the ChiCom said yes it would be bad for China, but the Russians would go through Mongolia four times... Those Chinee sure hate the Mongols. - Vice Sgt Boone"

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