Saturday, October 4, 2008

Worse Days

Well I picked up Paul Theroux's new one. I heard him on the Bob Edwards show this morning and went looking for it unsuccessfully to the point where the project had become a Wally World psychomachia. One in which my wallet did not prevail. I sampled food at Costco and did not find it on the discount shelves and then on and on. My Borders card was pretty much empty when I, in frustration, had finally located a copy and arrived at a counter. I stopped at the tackle shop though and Todd's gift card still had a few bucks, so that was good. Thank you again Homey. Then it was on to a fine lunch with Mr. Kelly and afterwards on to a wonderful evening with the nephew, who is feeling much better thanks. Worse days have been spent.

Although it sounded like Jimmy had a fine excursion involving swarming helicopters and kayaks on exotic seas.


alfred said...

Alex Kelly?

mc said...


This Kelly knows no "no."

Wait, that was the first one's problem.

I meant he never hears "no."

---Wait again...ahhh go read something enlightening!