Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boortz Has a Post on "Affordable Housing"

I will paste the whole post. Who could argue this? At best I expect a liberal to say "oh you're crazy. You're inventing worries."

Perhaps followed up by something on how it is a risk we need to engage in for greater good. Liberals are all about telling everyone else about their responsibilities and spending everyone else's money and risking everyone else's material over the greater good. Meanwhile they give less to charity and dodge their taxes.

Liberals are all about putting civilization at peril while not contributing to it's construction or security. For the greater good, you know. They would proudly stand on the steaming pile of a collapsed civilization for the opportunity to say "we stood by our ideals. We win the MORAL war!" Particularly if they get to go back to their own home in a safe neighborhood to slap one another on their nastyselfishsmugbabyboomerbacksand----uh oh. Did I just think all of this or actually write it?

The post:

"As this economic downturn continues it occurs to me that the government is going to end up owning a lot of middle-income type homes. Someone is going to come up with the bright idea of converting these homes to Section 8 housing. If one or more of these homes happens to be in your neighborhood .. and if they become Section 8 housing ... you're going to want to figure out a way to get the hell out of that neighborhood while you can. Section 8 housing is welfare housing ... where the taxpayers pay the bulk of the rent for someone who, more likely than not, is a deadbeat. Not the kind of neighborhood you want to live in."

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