Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Honey Moons and Russian Midgets

This may end up a draft as it merits extra attention. I stopped at the bakery today and a gentleman with a cane struck up a conversation based on my "Baseball Hall of Fame Member" hat. (there were some nuances in grumpy Yankee body language, I believe. I had been in a hurry.) He mentioned that he hadn't been paying too much attention these days (interesting exchange here but not material to the post,) and asked if I had been up to the Hall of Fame. I admitted that I had not been yet, a good friend had picked up the hat along the way. I offered that I have been in the area and it is beautiful.

[Update: This was dashed off and thus almost sat as a draft. It was pointed out to me that Cooperstown and Niagra do not abut one another. I realize this, they were separate parts of a conversation and look sloppy together, but such is a rough sketch. Amusing info, perhaps. Or not. But certainly not art, this post.]

He volunteered that he had been up to Niagara falls for his honeymoon. He did not have reservations for himself and the betrothed, or something had gone wrong. That was a problem as all of the hotels along the water were full. After some desperation someone overhearing his plight said "follow me, you two can stay at my place tonight." They followed up the hills and when he approached the house and opened the door to the kitchen he was met by a midget. A Russian midget. This man who met the midget mentioned that his new wife had been born in America but understood Polish. The midget had been out of his country for a long time and had not talked with someone for at least 9 years, so he was delighted. Somehow conversation was made across the divides. He made them breakfast. This gentleman gestured with his cane and offered several times that he would never forget. Nope. That's not for forgetting. He added that there were some kind of white spots on some of the dishes in the sink, and when asked they were informed that "animals get in here at night."

God Bless him for the story, and I thank God I did not expedite my purchase and dismiss him!!!

So many details to add...


Jimmy said...

You need to stop talking to strangers

mc said...

What Jimmy, you don't find yourself chatting with bank robbers and people who unexpectedly spend the first night of their honeymoons with Russian midgets?