Sunday, November 23, 2008

In the DVD Player

Umpteenth update: Lucilla Andrews' time faded before she could publicly mention Ian McEwan...add water imagery and stir...The movie was all so terribly sad, and, upon further reflection sadder still...could I be dys-sad-isfied? Lovely film, they should have taken more time with it all I think.

Atonement with Keira Knightley.

Is there a pithy law ala Murphy's law (not just a bar in Bport) regarding everyone's view in life being 88% in error?

The movie has just begun, do I have popcorn? If I lived a suitable life I might have a guess, but as it is if I really had to answer this before looking I'd say I have an 88% chance of being wrong, far worse than a coin flip. Bad luck and worse guesses. Add lazy and stir. Often Darwin doesn't work fast enough.

Does this have anything to do with the movie? I suppose I will see shortly. I'm assuming a disproportionate level of uncomfortable moments are in store.

Update: minutes in. Ouch.

Update update: they call "Indian Wrist Burns" "Chinese Bands". I prefer "Chinese Bangles" as the torture is noted by Alexandra Fuller, I think the term "Indian Rug Burns" is silly.

Why are the rich assortment of childhood tortures so poorly catalogued?

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