Monday, November 17, 2008


He is a local, and it seems he has recently had quite the time of it.

Read up on his carousing at the U.S. News and World Report mansion over at the Onion:

"A passed-out Kissinger is sprawled across a mansion bathroom floor after vomiting. He would later awaken to stir more trouble."

The photo above that caption is potentially NSFW.

Half-Naked Kissinger

"Kissinger socializes with a trio of

U.S. News & World Report Copy Girls

hours before the outburst."

These losers are too steeped in their own silliness to be embarrassed by themselves, I think Kissinger has more dignity on the floor of the crapper.

Where's my invite Hank?

I definitely want to party up in Kent with you.

As my friend Throope used to scream "RIGHT HERE IN KENT!"

No, Alfred, that Throope reference is not a green light.

1 comment:

alfred said...

Who knew?
"Kiss" is a regular "Heff"!
Didn't you boys go to the "Flute & Tom-Tom"?