Saturday, October 6, 2007

NYtimes Haditha

Update: Hmmm...

I will re-read the article. But on first glance the Spree take seems quite more than just valid. It is a clear sketch of the fourth estate template, and I am shocked. Shocked!

(P.S.---Spree was kind enough to stop over and post a quick comment, which is really neat! Sadly there are not enough Sprees in our current populace. So try to get every one's brains and love of country back up to snuff again at every opportunity, please!!)

PPS--can anyone sense a difficult restraint on my part viz a viz the fourth estate, the tenor of the article and my lack of tar and feather linking?

(one in Connecticut..."popular Punishment for modern delinquents.")

Alrighty, I have since blown the "tar and feather"-free linking. I just can't help it, I can't ignore that little glowing ember of optimism that is my American heart!

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